The provided list of links offers a wealth of information on the intersection of role-playing games (RPGs) and various aspects of psychology, education, and social interaction. These resources delve into how RPGs, such as Dungeons & Dragons, can be used as therapeutic interventions, tools for enhancing social skills, and even mediums for moral development. They explore the potential of RPGs to support individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), deal with emotional and behavioral issues, and increase social connectedness among adults. The transformative potential of RPGs is also discussed, highlighting how these games can foster creativity and critical ethical reasoning.

Furthermore, these resources examine the perceptions and attitudes towards RPGs, from the perspectives of psychiatrists and players alike. They also discuss the rules of RPGs and how they shape the player’s experience, including their racial and gender identities. Some papers focus on the concept of adult play in RPGs and how fantasy ability can influence attitude change through role-playing. The list also includes research on the use of augmented reality in gamified environments to improve communicative competencies in students with ASD. Overall, these resources provide a comprehensive overview of the significant impact RPGs can have on individual and group therapy, education, and personal development. They underscore the value of RPGs as not just games, but powerful tools for personal and social growth.

  1. Supporting Autism: Role-Playing Games as Tools for Enhancing Social Skills: This article discusses how role-playing games (RPGs) can be used as a tool to support children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in developing social skills.
  2. A Gamified Environment Supported by Augmented Reality for Improving Communicative Competencies in Students with ASD: A Gamified Environment Supported by Augmented Reality for Improving Communicative Competencies in Students with ASD: This research paper presents the design and validation of an Augmented Gamified Environment (AGE) aimed at improving communicative skills in students with ASD.
  3. Dungeons and Dragons: The Use of a Fantasy Game in the Psychotherapeutic Treatment of a Young Adult: This paper discusses how a fantasy game, Dungeons and Dragons, was used in the psychotherapeutic treatment of a young adult with a schizoid personality.
  4. Role-play Games (RPGs) for Mental Health (Why Not?): Roll for Initiative: This commentary paper reviews the existing literature and suggests areas for application and research about RPGs and mental health, including psychotherapy, career guidance, education, and people with disabilities
  5. Relationship of Role-Playing Games to Self-Reported Criminal Behavior: This paper examines the hypothesis that role-playing experience should be positively correlated with self-reported criminality.
  6. Table-top Role-playing Games as a Therapeutic Intervention with Adults to Increase Social Connectedness: This article discusses how table-top role-playing games can be used as a therapeutic intervention with adults to increase social connectedness.
  7. Role-Playing Games (RPG) as Intervention Modalities to Achieve Therapeutic & Educational Goals for Individuals and Groups from the Therapeutic Recreation Perspective: This paper discusses how role-playing games can be used as intervention modalities to achieve therapeutic and educational goals for individuals and groups from the therapeutic recreation perspective.
  8. How Games Can Help Children on the Autism Spectrum: This article discusses how games can help children on the autism spectrum improve a wide range of functioning.
  9. How Role-Playing Games (and Our Programs) Help Neurodiverse and Autism Spectrum Individuals: This article discusses how role-playing games and specific programs can help neurodiverse individuals and those on the autism spectrum.
  10. Table-top Role-playing Games as a Therapeutic Intervention with Adults to Increase Social Connectedness: This research paper discusses how table-top role-playing games can be used as a therapeutic intervention with adults to increase social connectedness.
  11. Personalities of Players of Dungeons and Dragons: This research paper discusses the personalities of players of Dungeons and Dragons.
  12. Table-top Role Playing Game and Creativity: This research paper discusses how table-top role-playing games can enhance creativity.
  13. RPG Mythos: Narrative Gaming as Modern Mythmaking: This research paper discusses the concept of narrative gaming as modern mythmaking in role-playing games.
  14. Serious Games, Debriefing, and Simulation/Gaming as a Discipline: This research paper discusses the concept of serious games, debriefing, and simulation/gaming as a discipline.
  15. The Transformative Potential of Role-Playing Games: This research paper discusses the transformative potential of role-playing games.
  16. Alienation and the Game Dungeons and Dragons: This research paper discusses the concept of alienation in the game Dungeons and Dragons.
  17. Alibis for Adult Play: This research paper discusses the concept of alibis for adult play in the context of role-playing games.
  18. Influence of Fantasy Ability on Attitude Change Through Role Playing: This research paper discusses how fantasy ability can influence attitude change through role-playing.
  19. Privilege, Power, and Dungeons & Dragons: How Systems Shape Racial and Gender Identities in Tabletop
  20. Role-Playing Games: This research paper discusses how systems in Dungeons & Dragons shape racial and gender identities in tabletop role-playing games.
  21. Let Your Clients Fight Dragons: A Rapid Evidence Assessment Regarding the Therapeutic Utility of ‘Dungeons & Dragons’: This research paper discusses the therapeutic utility of Dungeons & Dragons.
  22. Pretensive Shared Reality: From Childhood Pretense to Adult Imaginative Play: This research paper discusses the concept of pretensive shared reality from childhood pretense to adult imaginative play.
  23. Employing Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TRPGs) in Social Communication Support Measures for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Japan: This research paper discusses how tabletop role-playing games can be used in social communication support measures for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder in Japan.
  24. Psychiatrists’ Perceptions of Role-Playing Games: This research paper discusses psychiatrists’ perceptions of role-playing games.
  25. Dungeons and Dragons: Dealing with Emotional and Behavioral Issues of an Adolescent with Diabetes: Dungeons and Dragons: Dealing with Emotional and Behavioral Issues of an Adolescent with Diabetes: This research paper discusses how Dungeons and Dragons can help deal with emotional and behavioral issues of an adolescent with diabetes.
  26. Using Group Role-Playing Games with Gifted Children and Adolescents: A Psychosocial Intervention Model: This research paper discusses how group role-playing games can be used with gifted children and adolescents as a psychosocial intervention model.
  27. Critical Ethical Reasoning and Role-Play: This research paper discusses the concept of critical ethical reasoning and role-play.
  28. The Rules of the Game – The Rules of the Player: This research paper discusses the rules of the game and the rules of the player in the context of role-playing games.
  29. Imaginative Role-Playing as a Medium for Moral Development: This research paper discusses how imaginative role-playing can be a medium for moral development.